Friday, September 7, 2007

DAY 3 at Children Ministries' Conference

Well, this post was not done on the day I ended the conference. i shall reflect upon my 1st session today.

!st session: Creative Gospel Illusion
Speaker: Patrick Phoon with presentation from Darren Ho

Hmm, there were cool and interesting tricks what they did, such as the one with adding iodine into a beaker of water, which symbolised the sins in our lives, then using a cross which had 'anti-chlorine tablets', that with Jesus in our lives, he washed our sins and we are free! I felt that this was a very good way for children to understand the gospel mesage, and you can even use for dault, why not...the most important thing is that your focus is on the Gospel truth taht you want ot each in mind, the illusion is just a tool for you. i feel this illusions are like object lessons that compliment what you are doing for the main lesson in teaching the Gospel truths...the iodine experiment is quite a good one, but you can do it once i think....maybe this can be tool as outreach in places that you go, when you have children's special event.

2nd session: Developing Passionate & powerful Children Prayer Intercessors
Speaker: David Leong

David Leong has a nice session to be attending. There were tips on how to cultivate children as powerful prayer and intercessor. If we do this from young, then we are able to root their faith deeper. Children realised that their world are not just confine to Singapore, but people around the world. "Talking to daddy God"-keeping it simple for the children.Giving the childrne opportunities to pray. I should start it like this coming week or next week!

3rd session : Leading All-Age Family/Intergenerational Worship
Speaker: David Leong

I decided to sit in the front to make sure i am ale to concentrate better, kaisu la..haha. But the key to promote intergenrational worship is for the tall people to sit in front and the taller people[like myself(:] to sit at the corners of at the back...After that we had a song, 'Nothing, Nothing, Absolutely Nothing".....extremely fun to do, but a pity was that i didn't take a video of the actions, the next song was "Every Move i make" also high energy song, the adults were enjoying it. Well, you got to be careful about the song turning into a karaokae session...that would the last thing i want to happen..I got reminded that teachers need to 'WOW', me with my short term memory- i think it stands for 'worship', 'obedience', and the last one i really forgot...madness..What is the overall effectiveness of the intergenerational worship?hmmm...

Session 4: Leading children to Christ
Speaker: Winnie Phoon

There were lots of copying of slides, cos it's like quite important that you have a gained a learning point from the session. I'm so blessed, Winnie gave a copy of her dvd trainig material that she was intending to sell for 20 dollars free to me!Thank God! Before we set forth to bring in kids into our church, are our kids in church spiritually 'fit'?Are the children's ministry people 'spiritually fit'?Personally, I ahve to be sure! I would ahve to pray, assurance of salvation? The tips to brings a child to salvation was the word S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N, behind S-L-A-I-N, there is the word J-E-S-U-S...It's like a simpl[e but effective tool to convey the meaing of the gospel to the children.....


I thank God for the opportunity to attend the conference, to equip me with things i can do back at church....I hope i can do it..I believe with my team, We would continue to strive to serve children as though they were faces of Jesus, and I want to continue teh walk with God down this ROAD!Take care my readers(:

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