Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, carried beginnings.

Blessed New Year to you my friends!

had returned from a night of counting down in welcoming the arrival of 2011 over at Han's, where dinner was shared.
Was getting a little mind crash manueovering our black teams Vs coloured team mates in the round robin game,a crazy gift exchange that got all of us hysterical, counting down & the worship/reflection session that got us closing for the night.

Of the many events that took place that evening, reflection stood out for me cos I had the quietest moment with the reddish sky, and tranquility for a clearer mind before my Maker.On top of that to be encouraged by the resolve of others sharing their goals in 2011, of which I noticed everytime you commit something great for God, the warfare from the dark side I call it start sharpening its weapons of choice to make sure it get really tough.

Its termed carried beginnings, cos I felt that its not just dropping everything away and start from zero again, though its usually quite the easiest thing to do.
push restart button*

I kinda see what's still need working,
so with that I carry it to complete what the tasks/voices require of me(:

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