Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This 2 weeks have led me to such a a varied range of emotions.

From laughing at funny antics of band mates, a very cool duty buddy making exquisite Origami, listening to some of the never ending compilation of movie soundtracks he had with the ocassional peek into songs from Chris Tomlin.

Being sad over aunty Cassandra's departures, my spirit beginning to flow with tears as the medium listening to the final sharing that afternoon that resounded in "don't be sad".
To joy for the return of a daughter to God & how she stood courageous as an example for many of us,deciding to not fear her imminent departure but be using the energy left with the relationships that mattered.

The melting of my heart when Wesleigh her daughter dashes towards me to hug at my knee height and the child expressing honest words of love.

The gratitude to God giving us a founding father's Goh Keng Swee whom I could meet when the body laid in Parliament House.

To worshipping with our children at Kaboom resounding in How Great is our God. Indeed He is Great(:
How's God great in your life?

Looking at how the Spirit of God manifest or don't manifest in a person's life is rather scary and a reminder to persevere in cultivating the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in my being for HIS glory.

Another week for HIM to work in your life my friends(:

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