Sunday, April 5, 2009


Especially after falling sick and the aftermath of that intial flu.
I noticed myself constantly praying that i recover, give me strength, that it's not one of those 'shortness of breathe' again that I have to go through, realising not being disciplined in resting allowed the flu to come easily

Reading parts of JOB, parts of the bible that saw God giving his people the strength that they needed,
re looking at what was shared at 吃饭了, how God is there for me, closer than i think.
I remembered someone once asked my mission team up in Thailand,
"what will be your 1st love?"
"Has that thing you been praying about instead distracted you from your 1st love?"

"I praise you Lord, for who you are
And all the mighty things you done,
you saved my soul,you made me whole
And I sing my praise to YOU"

So instead of saying, heal me, I said You are God, in control,
and told myself what my mum told me the other time in BMT

"do not be anxious...

but with Thanksgiving present it to God "[Phil 4:6]

Thank God, i do feel better after being patient, remembering who's my 1st love again, and the medicine.

This is the song at cell tonight.

"And when the winds blow, He is my shelter
And when i'm lost and alone, He rescue me
And when the lion comes, He is my victory
Constantly watching over me
He is constantly watching over me"

Thank GOd(:

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