Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year Eve

-on our way there with Jordan providing a little comic relief-

-Getting the Lo Hey Ready--sisters-

Tonight we gathered at my ah ma's for the tuan yuan fan. It's like once or twice that my paternal side really meet up.must treasure the moments we have.
I have a new cousin in law
,cousin Sylvia
(i think that's how you spell her name)
who has taken quite alright to our family, especially with the older cousins.

Ah ma & ye ye still going ok. Seems like they might be entering 2nd childhood, getting angry that they can't eat lots of their fav unhealhtier foods laced with lots of sugars, salt and oil.
never eat something really yummy in front of my ah ma unless you're prepared to feed her some of it:p

watching IP man this afternoon was like wowwww, coool. Inspiring story

Apart from new year, wow, things are moving fast around all the time....
gotta be ahead of it or else will be trapped in this race to be ahead...

Have a wonderful CHINESE New Year ahead!MAY it be well spent time with family and friends(:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pre Chinese New year peep

-My dad-

The objective today was to make sure the house has gone past some soap, water, not to mention sweat .

Here's my dad cleaning the windows, He's a real technical person, so he has his soap, then using the window cleaners that people use at petrol kiosks to clean it off.
I had to clean my room of course, which was filled with dust, things shrewn all over the place...finally a little order in my room.

this past week has been practising and practising. being more conscious with my breathing&lipping on the trombone.
With questions running through my head about me being a person after GOd's heart, how has it set myself apart from the world, & how do I not be away from the world but embracing it as it will be but responding with christ likenss, talk about being that light.

Have a great Chinese new year everyone!
lots of time to share, eat, lo heying,disturbing cousins while they painstakingly sieve out abalone from the heap of veggies in yusheng

God Bless your week ahead!(:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

today today

-Joel, Andrew, Xiang, Han, Raymond, Me-
Wowww....Today marks my 4th week with the SAF bands...
Began playing my instrument, which I'm not really good at it, learning theory, with blasts of information, building my foundation in the scales, pushing for 3 pull ups from 1 and 2...

'O' levels out this past week, with wow, everyone that I know taking 'o's doing so well, tHank GOd!

So many instruments that my other mate are good at , the percussion, the flute, the oboe, the trumpet....better get my trombone right before moving to the

This past thursday, Han, Xiang, Raymond, Andrew, Joel with myself, we were having dinner...dinner bfore ray returns back to the down-under.
Those were the days with this small group and few others, while adults are cell grouping and then side tracking into other things, We are playing hide and seek, campfire with people's doubledecker beds
With the dessert stall closed, Bubble tea was next option where I had to absent mindedly call the lady 'aunty' when she was like only 20! The real Aunty, the boss said jokingly, "later you call properly, or else your drink not nice ar"
walk walk walk, to my void deck, it's really beautiful that people can sit and talk. after one topic, then you link to something else with interjects from Xiang.

Thank God for the weeks that I had in camp, it's a been a struggle to spend time with HIM.
Think You get too comfortable when it's alittle more relaxed.

Wanting to Fly with HIM-

P.s: hope your week's going well, GOD bless(: