Today's dinner was just fantastic, Got an sms in the morning from my cousin saying that Ah-ma's inviting for dinner tonight!
It all started from me returning her house keys on Monday after having hoarding it over the National day holiday. walking between her house and my uncle's place which is just beside hers.
The whole talk was about
"next you want to come, inform us earlier la" says Ah ma
Had wanted to go have dinner at her place every Monday for the next month or so before i enlist on on September 12th, since my Sunday afternoons were taken up with things going on in church.
was very elated to be part of the fellowship at her palce with 3 uncles and cousins all eating.
Am really thankful for an extended family who shows me what graciousness is, what being family, to enjoy each others company.
Just sitting in front of the TV, with my 3rd uncle back from Shanghai for the summer, heraing him sharing insightful thought/jokes on things we watch on TV lightens the evenings.
People never fail to ask,
" ehh, you going into army, ready anot?"
like so NOT....
Taking a break before the big Day on 12th September. that's what is recommanded. Was so tempted to going to work in sept to help out for their 1st week where new children will come in. BUt te conclusion was, Rest...Prepare your heart, your mind, your body, prepare enough fuel to be that light in darkness when i falls while in camp, be that salt that is cultivated properly sot hat when it's being used for 'passing the flavour' to others, it is in good condition.
it's not about being physically ready only, it's mentally ready. You can be fit, but if your mind and heart is not ready, you will take lots more stress than usual. And it's also so with your beliefs, your faith will be challenged. How do you respond as a Christian, as a witness for Christ?
Continuing the week ahead with gratitude and continuous wanting to seek GOd, Honour HIM, mannn how easy to say and harder to acct upon it?
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