Sunday, June 22, 2008

Intercongregational Soccer Tournament

-"i tell you ar, we steady, can one"-
-warming up a.k.a playing at the futsal court-

Ouch, as I am typing this entry, the both legs of mine are aching at strategic joints to ensure maximum ache with the already minimal movement trying to sit down or get up from a chair.
Why? Soccer you see.
From the lack of training up(like myself), people woke up this morning coming to church with exclaimations of 'ouh, ouh', with small swells and skin grazed.
Yesterday was the Inter-congregational tournament between sister congregations. Consisting of 3 teams (1) PPCOC(Pasir Pajang Church of Christ) (2) Bedok COC & (3) Moulmein COC.
people will go 'tsk, tsk' when they know about the score..
Moulmein Vs Bedok 12-1
Moulmein Vs PP 5-2
It's a good way to shake their hands and appreciate the planning that was done to make this event happen. The wind that blows is just wonderful to cool down, to encourage one another when we play, to keep going even when the score is discouraging.

Wearing a worn out pair of shoes wasn't the best idea, I think after the whole thing, i decided that it should be time that I threw the shoes away..Half of me did feel that should go home and glue it, which if i thought for a moment more, I would have brought it back...
was reading an article on children in africa, wow, you should see their shoes they wear to train for soccer. it's like hole in the front of the shoe, as i looked on, I thought to myslef. " what's my shoes compared to their?"
Wow, the way I'm taught to be thankful(;

To people who are having school/work tomrrow, may the week filled with joy & a time to meet up with friends again.
To people having breaks, enjoy it while you.
in all, rest upon the LOrd(:

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