Friday, February 29, 2008

29th of Feb

IT's really interesting today, as it is an another day instaed of the 28 days that Febuary usually has...Happy Leap Year..I love steam boats, I got to begin uploading pictures at a faster rate, cos this was dated 17 Feurary 2008!

Tihs day, the Angs, my aunty and uncle with the 3 cousins came over for dinner. What way to be in that festive mood and celebrate with a time of fellowship.

While preparation, there was the sea cucumber, a gift from my big aunt...Now I know what's is in my aunt's famous and delicious Stewed sea cucumber with leeks and roast meat that we get to relish every new year.
The avid on-looker
How many does it take to play a computer game?
1 player in the hot seat, with the many spectators

After the preparations, wala!
the Food is served, and people are enjoying the time.
Looking at all the food, I thnk GOd for teh food we get to eat, cos people in other countries, we need not refer to Africa all thet ime...even in Singapore, or neighbouring Asian countries, some people have not enough to eat somtimes.


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