I thank God for being able to have the courage to speak with people to partner with me in mission trip...Procrastination was like so easy cos it's soo easy to say in your heart, "will ask them another time, next week." Excuses..cos sometimes, that day will never take place...and people like me tend to forget!
so thank God for Uncle Mark sharing at cell about procrastination through the series of "GOd is closer than you think" by John Ortberg, encouraging me to as Nike will say, "Just do it"(:
Today at class we had the story about bowling...haha, I think i belong to that group after you drop the ball, you tilt left, right everywhere, with this low murmuring of "strike",or the direction you want the ball to roll, which with reference to laws of forces, it doesn't happen that way.
Teaching us to not be worrying, after you dropped it...drop it..and the key thinga bout meditation and worrying...how do you manage reflecting over and over again?
with worries?with strength from GOD?
apart from finances, prayer is another important aspect of anything we do as christians..I thank God as we pray, that we partner with his will to enable his will to take place...
IT's Comissioning of the GEn12 Trippers...Wow, my little bits that i learnt from the sharing at apologetics class, or Shao Wei my friend would put it, "defense against the dark arts" came into action....
How do I explain it ?Worship with instruments or not?
With the Church that I grew up in...and what I see outside
Decided not to continue with the 'debate' as I would not be having the right heart to speak..Thank God for restrain to be wise in words(: