It has been a happening week...preparation, changes in preparation, my room's messed, my breathing just become a little wierd again, As I go, may my heart be ready. Please pray for my team and myself as we go up to Thailand...will update you people through the main blog,
cos i think there's not enought time and energy for me to do the personal blog during the trip..
It has been a rollercoaster ride with 1st permit to refugee camp revoked, with my prayerful team, trusting God to speak to us, that our hearts be ready to listen to his Will.
So we moved the focus to the villagers, and PTL, PRaise The Lord, we are entering on 26th to 27th MARch..
Give thanks to God for generous supporters who supported me financially to go for this trip, 1200 is no small amount and people i asked have shown me the meaning of giving with a cause in mind.It ismy responsibility as a good steward to do the best to my ability to serve the Hmong people, regardless of Hmong thai or Hmong Lao
In a way the events that unfold were a blessing, we now were reaching to the thai villagers and the Hmong refugees.
Let us go with a heart filled with a full tank, that never runs dry, because with GOd he supplies and your tank will run as you stay with him.
Take care my dear friends, thank you for praying with me, for the team and for the people..
Will be praying for you too.
a 40% with prayer, 40% to listen and 20% filled with passion
Go forth and be a blessing to the nations(:
P.S: I would like to pray for you too(: