Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hahahaha, I haven't blogged in ages.

Anyway, I feel really green today, so let me tell you people how to stop harming our wonderful world! (:

1) Take SHORT showers.
2) Use plastic lunchboxes to carry your 'last min' breakfast, or your snacks. ( do not use plastic bags)
3) Use BOTH sides of the paper, or even better, take unwanted printed paper to write stuff.
4) OFF unnecessary lights ; ( eg. you do not need lights if you are bathing in daytime - you shd know this)
5) Take the MRT instead of asking your parents to fetch you lazy pig. ( unless its on the way )
6) Bring your own plastic bags to supermarkets unless you need more plastic bags for home use
7) OFF computer screen when not in use, don't wait till it goes into hibernation. ( hehe)
8) Buy refillers for your pens. ( I'm guilty of this.)
9) The back of receipts can be used to play tic tac toe.


I'm getting into the trying to save the world mode.
Recently I was walking with my sister back home. As you know, there is an electronic gate and an electronic door. As we were reaching, the gate was just shutting itself close... We could have obviously made it through but it would mean that the gate would start to open again right? Sigh, which would lead to a waste in electricty. HENCE, I stopped pammywammy from going through and I opened the door instead.

Pam: ' What is your problem?'
Me: ' I'm a tree hugger...... [pauses] Wait no, that would be saving paper... Well, you get the

Oh well, just do your bit in saving whatever you can and be happy!


You see.. it's a cheap thrill.... for me.

- By the way... iBooks are so not cool (: Hahaha, they are really hard to use. & everything in it's different from the normal stuff. It only looks good and can take pictures and has garage band.
THAT'S ALL. Don't make hasty decisions my friend.

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